Business Migration

When it comes to business migration, potential migrants can follow a number of pathways to travel abroad. They can either take their occupational skills and experience to their new migration destination, travel to pursue higher education overseas or even go on a vacation abroad to satiate their thirst for tourism. However, one of the most important forms of migration – and arguably the most beneficial – is business migration.

Business Migration

What is business migration?

Business migration allows a business person, an entrepreneur or an investor to take their business skills and experience to a new country and settle with their families in their business migration destination. Business migrants can set up new businesses in a country, invest in existing businesses, purchase a running business in the country or even propose ideas for startups that they can later turn into a new business in their business migration destination. With the help of business migration, investors, entrepreneurs and business people can become permanent residents in their new destinations, contribute to the country’s economic growth, see their businesses benefit and prosper, and create new employment opportunities for local workers.

Business migration is an integral part of any country’s economic growth and targets. Federal and Provincial or Territorial Governments of every leading country are always welcoming towards investors, entrepreneurs and business people who are on the lookout for new opportunities and challenges, and are always more than happy to offer them services to bring their expertise, start a new business and settle in their business migration destination along with their loved ones.

Business migration opportunities around the world

Even before the pandemic, business migration opportunities around the world were open aplenty. Countries were constantly looking to make hay of opportunities that could lead to increased and sustainable economic growth, and as a result, were more than happy to invite business migration candidates to apply for immigration. For example, in the United States, applicants could apply for business migration with an investment amount of as low as $500,000 and obtain a green card for permanent business migration to the US with their family.

In countries such as Canada and Australia, where there are vast territories and provinces still experiencing mass development projects en route to regional growth, business migration opportunities are still on the rise – even during the pandemic. Industries are still developing in such areas, and there are large-scale needs of investment and entrepreneurship in these regions. These opportunities open up yet more business migration avenues for investors, entrepreneurs and talented business people.

Almost every country in the world – whether developed or developing – welcomes successful business people to its shores for business migration with open arms. All of these countries have several visas and pathways to facilitate business migration for top investors and entrepreneurs and are more than happy to grant them – and their relatives – permanent residency status as successful business migrants.

Provisional and Permanent business migration visas

Business migration visas can be of two types – provisional and permanent. Provisional business migration visas are temporary visas, which have a fixed period of time for which business migrants can reside in a new country and conduct their business, investment and entrepreneurial operations while being onshore. The time for which provisional business migration visas remain valid is mentioned in the decision letter against a business migrant’s visa application. One of the most popular business migration visas among business migrants is Australia’s Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188), which allows business people, entrepreneurs and investors to own, develop, significantly invest in and manage an Australian business. Business migrants who travel to Australia with this visa can also apply for a permanent business visa down the line.

Permanent business visas allow investors and entrepreneurs to travel to a country and live there indefinitely as permanent residents. Permanent business migrants can enjoy every benefit of living in their business migration destination as a permanent resident of that country. For example, recipients of Australia’s Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) can live with their relatives as permanent residents in Australia. Moreover, they can also enjoy the same benefits as other permanent residents in Australia, including free education for their children in Australia’s reputable education infrastructure. Holders of permanent business migration visas to Australia can also avail free healthcare as part of MediCare – Australia’s public healthcare scheme for permanent residents.

Business migration visa streams and subcategories

Both provisional and permanent business visas have several streams or subcategories, each tailored to investors and entrepreneurs’ needs and requirements when applying for business migration visas. For example, the aforementioned subclass 188 visa for business migration to Australia has an Investor Stream through which investors can invest AUD 1.5 million in an Australian state or territory and maintain their investment activities in the country. There is also a Significant Investor Stream, which allows applicants to invest a larger amount of AUD 5 million in an Australian state or territory and continue their investment activities in Australia. If an entrepreneur wishes to apply for business migration to Australia, he or she can do so via the Entrepreneur Stream of Australia’s subclass 188 visa, which lets entrepreneurs who have a funding agreement of at least AUD 200,000 conduct their business operations in Australia.

Business migration benefits

Business migration visas are designed to attract individuals with talented business minds, entrepreneurs and investors from all around the world who can bring their business expertise to their business migration destination. Such business migrants can contribute towards that country’s economic growth and are rewarded for successful business migration by being granted permanent residency in their new country. Business migration applicants are also exempted from the strict age restrictions seen in skilled migration requirements and enjoy faster visa application processing times.

In terms of their business ventures, business migration visa holders can own and manage their own business and conduct their business operations in their new country. This allows them to elevate their business skills to the next level and provides them with better opportunities for their business skills as well as greater business turnovers.

Moving to the leading countries in the world with their family members as permanent residents also opens a number of doors for business migrants; better lifestyle, greater security, multicultural diversity, higher education in the leading universities in the world, state-of-the-art healthcare facilities and superior quality of life makes business migration all the more worthwhile for business migrants and their loved ones.

Learn more about Business Migration to Australia

Learn more about Business Migration to Canada

Learn more about Business Innovation & Investment (Provisional) Visa | 188 visa

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Business Migration to Australia
Business Migration to Canada
Business Migration to Australia or Canada