
Skilled Migration to Australia - Ten most in-demand jobs over the next five years according to the skill priority list


by eduaid

Sep 22, 2022


Australia has released a list of the most in-demand jobs in the country looking for skilled workers.

Labelled the ‘jobs of the future’, the list consists of ten jobs in Australia that are set to be in high demand over the next five years.

According to the Australian government’s Skill Priority List, the most in-demand jobs are:

  • Software and Applications Programmers;
  • ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Business and Systems Analysts;
  • Civil Engineering Professionals;
  • Construction Managers;
  • Registered Nurses;
  • Aged and Disability Carers;
  • Early Childhood Teachers;
  • Chefs;
  • Child Carers; and
  • Electricians.

Australia has a long history of training domestic workers and relying on skilled migrants to fill workforce shortages in the country.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, Australia has suffered from critical skills shortages across the country.

Border closures and travel restrictions forced many temporary migrants and international students to leave Australia during the pandemic, which worsened Australia’s labour shortages.

Business lobby groups and unions have been calling for the migration cap to be increased to 200,000 over the next two years to ease workforce shortages.

The Australian government responded to these calls by raising the permanent migration cap to 195,000 from 160,000 in September’s Jobs and Skills Summit.

More than two-thirds of all migrants arriving in Australia are set to do so on various skilled visas, which will further boost skilled migration in this year’s Migration Program.

Migration, however, is not the permanent solution, but rather a short-term answer to Australia’s chronic skills shortages.

Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles said while the government was in favour of increasing migration levels, it was only part of the solution, and would not solve all the problems in struggling industries.

He also revealed Australia had not been properly training local members of the workforce.

This was reflected in a survey commissioned by the Electrical Trades Union, which showed only 52 per cent of electrician apprentices completed all their qualifications.

Many Australians have also called to maximise Australia’s existing population to fill skills gaps through education and training rather than relying solely on migration.